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Barnes and Noble Book Haul

On Tuesday, June 21st 2016 at exactly 5:26 pm, a mysterious package arrived at my door step. Waiting for for the sketchy looking UPS man to full out of the drive in his sputtering truck, I pulled back my burgundy curtains to steal a glimpse at the parcel. When he was finally down the road and out of sight, I cautiously opened my creaking front door, quickly looked around to see if any one was watching, and then snatched the package and slammed the door. I grabbed the scissors before racing up to my room. Behind my closed door, my fingers trembled as I held the scissors, ready to rip back the packing tape. Breathing took effort as all that was racing through my crowded mind was, "Is this really it?" "Have they finally come?" My heart was booming out of my chest and I feared that it would continue beating harder and harder in my ears if I didn't do something about it. I breathed in, took a leap of faith and pierced the package with my weapon. Pulling back the cardboard flaps, a scream stuck in my throat, there sat.....


BOOKS! TONS AND TONS OF BOOKS! Well, that's an over exaggeration, I only bought six, but still... BOOKS! The story above my purely my imagination, and I don't suggest running with scissors, but when the subject of BOOKS is at hand, who cares?!

So I don't know if you guys get as excited about BOOKS as I do, but I wanted to share what I bought with you so you could tell me if you have read them and if you liked them or not.

I purchased hardback copies of "Girl Online: On Tour" "We All Looked Up" "Everything Everything" "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" "The Girl In The Blue Coat" and "Hello Life"

Since I just finished re-reading "Girl Online" so I started the sequel this morning and I have already fallen in love with it. And I'm only on chapter five!


I am super excited to read the rest of the books, so if you have read any of these books, do tell me about them in the the comments below. Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!


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